, chain='VJ_1', *, color, cdr3_col='junction_aa', combine_fun=<function sum>, normalize=None, viztype='bar', airr_mod='airr', airr_key='airr', chain_idx_key='chain_indices', **kwargs)

Show the distribution of CDR3 region lengths.

Show the distribution of CDR3 region lengths.

Ignores NaN values.

adata : AnnData | MuData | DataHandlerUnion[AnnData, MuData, DataHandler]

AnnData or MuData object that contains AIRR information.

chain : {‘VJ_1’, ‘VJ_2’, ‘VDJ_1’, ‘VDJ_2’} | Sequence[Literal[‘VJ_1’, ‘VJ_2’, ‘VDJ_1’, ‘VDJ_2’]]Union[Literal[‘VJ_1’, ‘VJ_2’, ‘VDJ_1’, ‘VDJ_2’], Sequence[Literal[‘VJ_1’, ‘VJ_2’, ‘VDJ_1’, ‘VDJ_2’]]] (default: 'VJ_1')

One or multiple chains to include in the plot.

color : str

Color by this column from obs. E.g. sample or diagnosis

cdr3_col : str (default: 'junction_aa')

AIRR rearrangement column from which sequences are obtained

combine_fun : Callable (default: <function sum at 0x000001123C0631F0>)

A function definining how the cdr3_col columns should be merged, in case multiple ones were specified. (e.g. sum, mean, median, etc).

normalize : str | bool | NoneUnion[str, bool, None] (default: None)

If True, compute fractions of abundances relative to the cdr3_col column rather than reporting abosolute numbers. Alternatively, the name of a column containing a categorical variable can be provided according to which the values will be normalized.

viztype : {‘bar’, ‘line’, ‘curve’}Literal[‘bar’, ‘line’, ‘curve’] (default: 'bar')

Type of plot to produce.


Name of the modality with AIRR information is stored in the MuData object. if an AnnData object is passed to the function, this parameter is ignored.


Key under which the AIRR information is stored in adata.obsm as an awkward array.


Key under which the chain indices are stored in adata.obsm. If chain indices are not present, index_chains() is run with default parameters.


Additional parameters passed to the base plotting function

Return type

List[Axes] | AnnDataUnion[List[Axes], AnnData]


Axes object