, groupby, *, target_col='clone_id', metric='normalized_shannon_entropy', metric_kwargs=None, vistype='bar', airr_mod='airr', **kwargs)

Plot the alpha diversity per group.

Plot the alpha diversity per group.

Will execute on-the-fly.

adata : AnnData | MuData | DataHandlerUnion[AnnData, MuData, DataHandler]

AnnData or MuData object that contains AIRR information.

groupby : str

Column of obs by which the grouping will be performed

target_col : str (default: 'clone_id')

Column on which to compute the alpha diversity

metric : str | (ndarray) → int | floatUnion[str, Callable[[ndarray], Union[int, float]]] (default: 'normalized_shannon_entropy')

A metric used for diversity estimation out of normalized_shannon_entropy, D50, DXX, any of scikit-bio’s alpha diversity metrics, or a custom function. For more details, see

metric_kwargs : Mapping | NoneOptional[Mapping] (default: None)

Dictionary of additional parameters passed to the metric function.

vistype : {‘bar’}Literal[‘bar’] (default: 'bar')

Visualization type. Currently only ‘bar’ is supported.

airr_mod : str (default: 'airr')

Name of the modality with AIRR information is stored in the MuData object. if an AnnData object is passed to the function, this parameter is ignored.


Additional parameters passed to

Return type
