, *, target_col='clone_id', expanded_in=None, clip_at=3, key_added='clonal_expansion', inplace=True, **kwargs)

Adds a column to obs recording which clonotypes are expanded.

nan`s in the clonotype column remain `nan in the output.

adata : AnnData | MuData | DataHandlerUnion[AnnData, MuData, DataHandler]

AnnData or MuData object that contains AIRR information.

target_col : str (default: 'clone_id')

Column containing the clontype annoataion

expanded_in : str | NoneOptional[str] (default: None)

Calculate clonal expansion within groups. Usually makes sense to set this to the column containing sample annotation. If set to None, a clonotype counts as expanded if there’s any cell of the same clonotype across the entire dataset.

clip_at : int (default: 3)

All clonotypes with more than clip_at clones will be summarized into a single category

key_added : str (default: 'clonal_expansion')

Key under which the result will be stored in obs, if inplace is True. When the function is running on MuData, the result will be written to both mdata.obs["{airr_mod}:{key_added}"] and mdata.mod[airr_mod].obs[key_added].

inplace : bool (default: True)

If True, a column with the result will be stored in obs. Otherwise the result will be returned.


Name of the modality with AIRR information is stored in the MuData object. if an AnnData object is passed to the function, this parameter is ignored.

Return type

None | SeriesOptional[Series]


Depending on the value of inplace, adds a column to adata or returns a Series with the clipped count per cell.