Call for Proposals

Important Dates

15 MAY 2024: Call for Proposals opens

30 JUNE 2024: Call for Proposals closes at 11:59 pm Central European time

31 JULY 2024: Notification of Proposal decision

Submission types

Poster & Talk

We welcome abstracts from all areas relevant to the conference's main themes for both oral and poster presentations. Several oral presentations will be chosen from the abstracts submitted. Presenters for both oral and poster presentations are expected to be onsite during the conference.

Please use our online submission system to submit an abstract and follow the instructions given to ensure your abstract is submitted correctly. All abstracts must be submitted by the deadline. Submitted abstracts will undergo scientific review by the Organizing Committee and you will be notified whether you have been selected to present an oral or poster presentation.

Oral presentations will be 10-15 min and should focus on a package, an application note, or a current research presentation. Presentations seeking collaboration or input from the community are encouraged.

Poster boards onsite will accommodate 118 cm high by 84 cm wide (A0-portrait) of printed material. Posterboard numbers will be allocated at the conference. A selected number of poster presentations will be given the opportunity to present a short flash talk to briefly describe their work.

By submitting an abstract, you consent that your abstract will appear in the conference programme book.


30-45 min demonstration of a software package or workflow. Workshops can be any form, from presentations to brief talks or panel discussions, but should also include hands-on exercises. Potential topics for Tutorials and workshops include but are not limited to:

  • Data analysis of single-cell data across modalities

  • AI and Machine Learning for single-cell data

  • Guiding developers on how to make sustainable and reusable software

  • Best practices for data analysis and/ or coding standards (e.g. GitHub actions, Python coding standards, etc.)

Birds-of-a-feather session

Free-format, organizer-led interactive discussion session on a topic relevant to the scverse community.

Sticker contest

We invite all registered participants to upload their designed stickers. The top 5 selected stickers will be printed and available at the scverse conference 2024. Let’s get creative!

Sponsors 2024